Publication Date : 05/04/2021
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Abstract :
A treaty is a formally concluded and ratified agreement between States. This essay is aimed at settling of contradicting treaty between States in the International Legal system. Countries over the years engaged in one form of agreement with one another which can thereby lead to a valid contract between the countries, one party may decide not to honor the agreement which the country might have entered into, this may lead to conflict between countries. It may lead to blockage of free interaction between the countries, to this end, this essay tends to provide a possible means of settling contradicting treaties by providing modalities in which country that has pledge her obligation may honor her obligation with all might; which will go a long way in fostering unity among nations. International Court of Justice has over the years resolve so many conflicting treaties to reinstate party to normal status, who as a result of treaty signed has sustained irreparable injury. If there is a contradicting or conflicting treaty, then international legal system will fall apart. When countries are at war with themselves no unity can be achieved and impediment and anarchy will be the order of the day. States must come together with the bid of honoring their agreement and sanction should be meted on erring State who fails to honor the terms of their agreement.
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